People always ask us “How much should we list our home for?” It’s a great question to ask a selling agent, really. If anyone will be able to tell you how to properly list your home, it’s your realtor. We study these markets every day and can tell you what your home is valued at, and what to ask, but we can also show you how your listing can make you more money than you think. Let your realtor help you with your listing price and you will sell your house quicker, and make more money.
When listing your home, a realtor looks at the home, neighborhood, history, taxes, area, commute, amenities, other homes in the area and their values, and many other factors. This doesn’t set the price automatically, though. We also read the current market to see if homes in the area have sat on the market, or if houses at your price range are going quickly.
An above-market listing can work, if you are in a seller’s market or have a desirable location. You also may have made recent improvements or additions to up the price. If so, awesome, let’s get you more money! However, this can cause your home to fall into the dreaded “On the Market” lull, where you sit on the market, stagnant, and begin to lose value.
Another way to deal with this is to go with a BELOW market listing. Now, this seems counter-intuitive, but hear me out. If you come in below your competition, you may see your listing generate a lot of interest, and spark a bidding war among people. We’ve seen below-market listings generate enough heat to raise the price above what the original market value was, and make them more money in the process.
Listing your home is a science AND an art, and requires a deft touch. That’s why a premiere realtor can help you list our home to make you more money.
If you are ready to buy or sell your home, call Rick and Tracy Ellis of Keller-Williams Realty today to get the best deal! We have 20 years of experience buying and selling homes in the St. Louis area, and nobody will get you a better deal on your home. Call us at (636) 299-3702, email Tracy at or Rick at or visit to learn more. You can also listen to us every weekend on FM News Talk 97.1, Saturdays at 4 p.m. and Sundays at 10 a.m.